User Guide - CPMK

User Guide - CPMK




The best way to view the power monitoring graphs is on your smart device as there is a large amount of data to download from the iZone server and this can cause delays if viewing on the iZone touch screen



  • On the iZone Touch Screen

Press the Home button to go to the home screen>Press the SETTINGS tab>Press Screen>Select the systems you would like to hide or unhide. If a system is hidden on the screen it may still be visible on the App


  • On the iZone Home App

 On the home page click on "Menu" in the top right hand corner> Settings

Menu: On the home page click on "Menu" in the top right hand corner

Settings: Press Settings

Scroll down to Monitor icon: Press and enter the password "wamfud"

Scroll across the top menu: Scroll across the top menu until you reach Monitor

Un-hide Monitor System in App: If it is hidden this slider will be green

Devices: Go to Devices to delete a device from the system



Channel: Channel icon. Press here to view a summary of all the circuits being monitored

Graphs: Press the graphs icon to show various plots of the power consumption

Percentage charts: Press here to see a summary of the loads for the last 30 days as a percentage of the total load

Loads: Press here to see a summary of the current loads

Solar Diversion: Press here to enter the solar diversion set up.

Channel name: This is the name for this channel.

Current consumption / generation: The current power consumption / generation for each channel will be displayed here

Colour on graph: This colour denotes the colour of this circuits plot on the graphs. By pressing here a graph will open and it will only show this circuit

Details: Pressing the pencil will open the circuit details where you can make changes to the circuit name, type of load, enable / disable display of the circuit



Previous period: Press this arrow to go back to the previous period

Next period: Press this arrow to go forward to the next period

Load: This unit will depend on the variable you have selected (kW / kW hr, $, kgCO2e)

Legend: Legend of different loads being monitored

Select different graph options: The 2 min graph displays as a line graph (as shown). Day, Week, Month, Year all display as bar graphs



Instantaneous Power Loads: Pressing the "Load" icon on the top menu will display a dashboard various loads

See each load live: Each load is instantaneous and is updated every few seconds

The meter will spin faster as the load increases: The arrow on the outside of the dial will spin faster as the load increases



Solar diversion: Select the Use Solar icon to enter the Solar diversion menu

Diversion name: Press the name to enter the details where you can set up the parameters for this diversion

Manual initialisation of diversion: Pressing this star will manually start the diversion schedule

Load Settings: Press here to select which loads to run for this diversion

Schedule activate / deactivate: Press the clock to activate or deactivate this diversion. Red = deactivated. Green = activated

Schedule set up: Press this edit pencil to set up the days and start / stop times this schedule must run



This feature provides the benefit of pre-cooling / heating your home when there is free power available

Caution! Setting up solar diversion requires knowledge of the loads involved and the capacity of your system. Incorrect application of this feature could result in increased power consumption or lower rebates for power fed back into the grid. iZone does not accept responsibility or liability for any financial losses when this feature is used

To set up this feature follow the steps below:

Decide what load or combination of loads you would like to run when excess power is available. (Diversion load)

Wait for the base load to stabilise. In this example we are going to assume the home has a 0.8kW base load through the day

Run the diversion load manually. In this example we are going to assume it is the air conditioning (on cooling). When it runs the total consumption goes up from 0.8 kW to 4.2 kW. Tip: Let the air conditioning run for about 20 minutes and make sure the setpoint is set low so that the compressor runs. Use the peak consumption over that period.

Deduct the base load from the peak of the total consumption over the 20 minute period: 4.2kW - 0.8kW = 3.4kW. This is the diversion load

Set up a Favourite in the Aircon favourites. In this example we will call it pre-cool. Don’t forget to save it.

Go to Monitoring and press Use Solar. In the first row press the name and call it Pre-Cool. Working from left to right press the first pencil. Using the up and down arrows go to the Aircon > select the Aircon favourite called pre-cool.> press save.

Press the next pencil and select the days of the week you want this diversion load to run. > Select a Start and Stop time. In our example I am going to use Start at 11:00 and Stop at 16:00 > press Save. Select the days of the week you want the diversion load to run as you may have different diversion loads running on different days.

Press the next pencil > at Diversion Load input 3.4 kW (See note 4.) > press Save. This is the total kW of the Diversion Load, running at maximum capacity. Excluding any Base Load that may be running at the time the Diversion Load starts.

Press the next pencil > Start Margin. This is the safety margin that is added to the Diversion Load to prevent excessive cycling of the Diversion Load on start up. (This should be the normal Base Load plus a small safety factor). In this example we will put 1.0 kW

Press the next pencil > Start Delay. This is the time in minutes that the Solar Power Generated must be greater than the Diversion Load + the Start Margin, before the Diversion Load is started. (This helps to ensure the Solar Power Generated is constant and reduces the chance of short cycling the Diversion Load) In this example we are going to wait 2 minutes before starting the diversion load to ensure the solar power is constant.

Press the next pencil > Stop Margin. This is the amount in kW that the total Solar Power Generated is allowed to drop, below the total Power Consumed, before the Diversion Load is stopped. (Use this if you are happy to accept using an amount of mains power to keep the Diversion Load running when the Solar Power Generated dips slightly (for example, due to a passing cloud). This also helps to reduce short cycling of the Diversion Load). In this example we are going to put 0 kW as we want the diversion load to turn off immediately

Press the next pencil > Stop Delay. This is the time in minutes that must pass after the total Solar Power Generated drops, below the total Power Consumed + the Stop Margin before the Diversion Load is stopped

Finally activate your schedule by pressing the clock so it turns from red to green.

For the above example the daily graph could look something like this:

Hint: You can set multiple diversion loads to come on at the same time. The priority of the loads will be from top to bottom with the highest priority being the first diversion load on the list. When insufficient solar power is available the diversion loads will start to turn off with the lowest priority diversion load turning off first. There is a short delay between turning different diversion loads on and off


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