Nova / Nova Mini

Nova / Nova Mini




Nova Manual


Home Screen





  1. Air Conditioner Name

Shows the name of the air conditioning system currently being controlled.

  1. Navigation Bar

    Easily navigate to other areas of your system.

  2. Zone Control

    Open/close zone dampers by tapping on the zone button. A highlighted button means the zone is open.  Tap and hold to change airflow and set point (if applicable)

  3. Scenes

    Activate your favourite scene/scenario by tapping on the button.

  4. AC Controls

    Switch AC unit on/off. Change set point, mode and fan settings.

  5. AC Selection Indicator

    Swipe left or right when multiple AC systems have been installed.

Air Conditioner Control

  Controlling Set Point

 Change the current controlling set point.  The view will differ depending on the configuration of the AC Unit Controller sensor.  In this graphic, the AC unit is being controlled by the AC return air.



Fan Speed

Change the current fan speed.

You can select between low, medium or high on most AC systems.

If the Fan Auto feature has been enabled, you will also have an Auto option available.




AC Unit Mode

Change the AC mode. You can select between Cool, Heat, Vent, Dry or Auto on most AC systems. Note that all AC units incorporate built in timers and delays so it may take several minutes after changing the temperature, fan or mode, before you notice a change.




Zone Control

Open/close the zone damper of each individual zone.  Change the percentage airflow and zone temperature set point. Tap and hold (long press) the zone button to change detailed zone settings.




 Zone Temperature Set Point

(Only available if zone temperature sensors have been installed)

 Change the required temperature set point of the zone and change the status of the zone -

Open/Close: Zone damper remains open/close

Climate: Zone damper opens/closes depending on the zone temperature sensor reading.





 Zone Airflow

When a zone is opened, it will drive open to its maximum open position (Max).  When a zone is closed, it will drive to its minimum closed position (Min).





Create your favorite scenes/scenarios (e.g. open kitchen and bedroom zones only) and schedule a timer to activate the scene.

  •   From the home screen, tap on a scene button to activate the scene.  All scheduled scenes will continue to run and will not be affected by activating the scene.



  • Add Scene

    Select MENU from the Navigation Bar and tap on Scenes.  A list of all the saved scenes will show on the screen.  Tap on the Add Scene button to create a new scene.  Enter a short name for the scene.





  • Set Up Zone Status

Tap on the Add Device button and select the zone that you want to add to the scene.  Now tap on the Settings Icon and select Open/Close/Climate. Change the required airflow or temperature set point and tap on the Back Icon (<) on the top left of the screen.  Add more devices if needed and tap on the Save Scene button.

  • Schedule Scene

You can schedule a scene to start/stop automatically.  From the list of scenes, tap on the name of a scene to view the devices set up within the scene.  Scroll down to the Schedule section and tap on the right arrow next to Off >.  Tap on the Enabled Switch.  Enter the start and/or stop times and tap on the Back Icon (<).



Navigation Bar

Find your way around the controller by navigating to a device using your most preferred shortcut.


Control your AC system, pin your favourite zones and scenes.  Change the order of devices to suit your needs.  Change the header image, hide zones and scenes.




Select this option to navigate to other useful areas of your system.




View your devices grouped by device types.  You can view all the zones installed for each air conditioning unit.




Organise your zones by rooms if it is hard for you to find zones on the home screen.  Each room can be named and ordered to your preference.





  • Home screen settings

    Select MENU from the Navigation Bar and select Settings.  Change the image on the home screen, hide pinned scenes or change the order of zones on the home screen.


  • Organise by rooms

Group zones or AC systems by rooms for ease of navigation.   Select ROOM from the Navigation Bar.  Tap on the Create Room button, enter a name and click Save Room.  Tap on the Room’s image and select the Settings icon (cog top right) to change the image.



Pin zones

Pin zones to the home screen or room views.  Select CATEGORY from the Navigation Bar.  Tap on Airconditioning and select the zone you want to pin.  Tap on the Settings icon (cog top right).  Enable Pin to home screen or select Room to pin the zone.




Pin scenes

Select MENU from the Navigation Bar and select Scenes.  Tap on the scene that you want to pin.  Tap on the Pin to option and select Homepage or any other room.



Zone Temperature Sensors

iZone provides the option of a wall mounted battery operated device that senses the ambient temperature in a zoned area and  communicates this information wired/wirelessly to the central climate control system.   The battery lasts for approximately 1-2 years depending on environmental factors.


  • Please follow the link given below for installing CRFS. Wireless temp sensor.




  • Please follow the link below for installation and pairing of Compact temp sensor (wireless).






Create recipes to automate your system e.g. switch on AC unit and open bedroom zones when outside temperature reaches more than 31◦C.


Add recipe

· Select MENU from the Navigation Bar.

· Select Recipes from the menu.

· Tap on Add Recipe and enter a name for the recipe.



Set up recipe

· Tap on the Add Trigger button.

· Select the trigger that will initiate the recipe by choosing from the available options.

· Select the Back button (<) from the top left of the screen.

· Tap on the Add Action button.

· Select the action that will take place when the trigger is activated.

· Select the Back button (<) from the top left of the screen.

· Tap on the Save Recipe button





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