Roller blind is not working (CACRB)

Roller blind is not working (CACRB)

Roller blind is not working CACRB

If the roller blind isn't opening, please check the relay by following these steps:

  1. Antenna Check: First, inspect the antenna on the relay. If it is loose, tighten it securely.

  2. Manual Operation: Try operating the garage door manually by pressing the button on the relay. If the door works when using the on/off button, the issue may be related to the connection/pair with the relay.

  3. Re-pair the Relay: If manual operation works, re-pair the relay with the system by deleting the old relay from the system and then regrouping it. This should re-establish communication between the relay and the system, allowing the garage door to function properly.

If the system is still not operating after following the previous steps, please contact an electrician to perform a thorough inspection. They can check the wiring and motor to identify any potential issues that may be affecting the operation.


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