Installing an Induct/Supply Air Temperature Sensor (CDTS)

Installing an Induct/Supply Air Temperature Sensor (CDTS)


To optimally install the Induct/Supply Air Temperature sensor, follow these steps: 1. Create a small hole in the supply duct box and insert the black sensor end of the CDTS through it. Ensure the sensor does not come into contact with the walls of the supply box or the AC unit. 2. Connect the other (RJ12) end of the cable to the CPU at the designated "Supply Temp (CDTS)" port. 3. In the aircon Configuration settings under AC unit tab, change the controlling sensor from "R/A" to "Zones." Configure the zones with sensors by switching the zone type from "Open/Close" to "Wireless Sensor." 4. Pair the wireless sensors with their corresponding zones. 5. The system is now ready to operate with the temperature sensors, allowing individual zone temperature control.


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