Yellow exclamation mark appears on one of the zones

Yellow exclamation mark appears on one of the zones

image (8feddcd0-ef91-4a7e-8744-85f336f3cdd1).png

The yellow triangle (exclamation mark) indicates a temporary communication issue between the temperature sensor and the central processing unit (CPU) installed in the roof.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Check if the Actual Temperature is Displayed:

    • If the actual temperature is still visible, the issue may be a minor glitch.

    • If the actual temperature is missing, it indicates a loss of communication.

  2. Reset the Controller:

    • Press the blue reset button once (located under the control panel).

    • Wait for the screen to reboot and return to the main menu.

  3. Verify Zone Status:

    • Check that all zones display an actual temperature value.

    • Ensure the wireless signal range and battery icon are visible in the top-right corner of the zone page.

Next Steps:

  • If the issue persists after resetting, check for any obstructions or interference affecting wireless communication.

  • If the problem continues, contact support for further assistance.

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