C325R - Rinnai

C325R - Rinnai

Rinnai Compatibility:

Current Firmware Version - 1.0




DINLR XX Series only



Can use RA, Zones, Master or RF as controlling sensor

Polarity is critical see below, for correct connection

For CN40 connection.

  • Connect a 2 core + earth, twisted pair control cable from the  C225 / C325R to the CN40/CN9/CNXYE port on the fan coil unit. This cable is supplied by iZone - CACUCM15

Screenshot 2024-02-15 155548.jpg


The new Rinnai indoor units may have either of two connections: CN9 and CNXYE.

For CN9 connection.



Screenshot 2024-02-15 155316.jpg

For CNXYE Connection


Indoor fan coil unit PCB

CN40: Connect to X and Y

C225 AC unit connector: Connect AC unit cable from fan coil to C225 as indicated

Polarity is critical: Make sure it is wired in accordance with these instructions on both the CN40 /CN9/CNXYE connector on the fan coil PCB and the C225 cable connector

Cable from CN40: Ensure the cable is shielded, 2 core, twisted pair. This cable is pre-terminated suitable for CN40 connector and is supplied by iZone


Resetting the Unit Addressing on Rinnai 18Kw+ units

When a Rinnai AC unit controller is used to do a test run, to put the iZone control system back on and operate the AC, unit addressing needs to be reset. Below is the procedure on how to do it.

  • First, turn off the air conditioner



  • Clear the indoor addresses by adjusting the S6 dip switch on OUTDOOR UNIT BOARD according to the photo:

    Dip switch ON-OFF.png


  • Wait for 5 minutes, then turn the air conditioner back on.

  • Please wait another 5 minutes and turn it off again.


  • Next, switch the unit to automatic addressing as shown below:



Dip switch ON-ON.png





  • Now please connect iZone system back to the indoor unit and wait for 5 minutes. Afterward, switch on the air conditioner and test it using iZone.

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